Everyone has their unique stories to tell
No two strokes in art are the same, and no two stories are the same. Art allows us to express our experiences, so lets bring them to live together and tell your story across the globe!
I didn't fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it wrong
There are so many ways to explore a topic and express it in different ways, we can’t even begin to list them all! Your house is a perfect canvas to showcase who you are, so lets fill up those blank walls with beautiful creations!

Showcasing local and international artists
Across the globe, different cultures and religions bring an exciting new twist and view on art. We are proud to have so many different artists from all over the place to share their creations with us, and you.
Join us today
Get in touch with us and let us spread your beautiful creations across the world. Allow your art to dance across children’s bedrooms and fill them with awe, or lighten up a house and bring everything together just right.
Contact UsSustainablity matters
We love Earth, it is our planet. Our Home. We want to make sure it stays around for as long as possible, protecting it for future generations and animals to live healthy and happy lives. We focus on creating Environmentally Sustainable products to minimize our impact on this beautiful world.
FSC approved paper
One thing we feel every business should do is use FSC approved paper, it is an easy and very sustainable way of ensuring the paper used is from a well-managed forest. This means that there is minimal to no habitat loss to the local wildlife and every tree that is taken down is replanted and looked after properly. Basically it means you can keep using paper products while keeping the forest full of life.
Eco-friendly Inks
Another way we focus on reducing our impact is by using water based inks that have no hazardous Air Pollutant, have no dangerous combustible chemicals and are completely nickel free which meets a range of criteria related to human health and environmental consideration. This also means that our products are safe to put in a sensitive environment, such as your newborn child’s nursery with no issues!
Wherever possible, we focus on recycling our waste! Every month our team sweeps the warehouse and makes sure every recyclable material goes in the recycling bin, in an effort to reduce the need for raw materials so that our beautiful rainforests can be persevered!

Supporting local business
All our materials and products we use to create our beautiful wall decals are purchased from local businesses! We believe in supporting our local shops because they are part of our community, creating a unique and personalized service and providing jobs! Also, by not shipping our products in from overseas we are able to reduce our carbon footprint, which is a win-win in our books!
A place we all call home
You know what we have in common with every living thing on Earth? We all call this planet our home! That means we are all part of one big community, which means helping each other out and being active with charities.
Meet our team
Our team here at Little Sticker Boy is filled with fun and quirky people! (Oh and dogs too, every office needs dogs, right?)
Got an idea?
Come and speak to us today.